Mission & Values
Our Mission
Our mission is to be the best DV organisation in the country with services like no other. We will aim to expand our services within the first two years of being open offering more varied teaching such as English and maths lessons and more break through services which will be unique to only us and setting the bar higher each time for the support and care around DV victims/survivor’s by thinking out of the box.
We will keep spreading our word of hope and the message that ‘it will get better’.

rEVErse NorthWest C.I.C.
Our organisation is a safe space/hub for referrals and non-referrals with a therapeutic approach to trauma by offering services such as massage therapy, reiki and non-touch reiki, crystal therapy, hair and nail care, Psychotherapy and specialised workshops on Domestic abuse for all ages. We have an onsite translator, food prepared onsite and clothing available, inn-keeping with different cultural beliefs. We are accessible to everyone whether physically or mentally impaired. This is paramount for me when setting up my organisation and is one of our ethos’s. We aim to have a social supermarket attached to the building for the community to access who may be struggling financially as I realise women and children stuck within abusive households are often unable to leave due to financial difficulty.
About Eve
Our Founder
“It was my own experience of domestic abuse, which prompted me to take this role on. My ex is now serving 23 years for which he will have to serve the full sentence. That justice encouraged me to complete a criminology degree writing my dissertation on the causations around male violence against women. My vision is to make an impact within Merseyside and help educate children about domestic abuse, help build self-esteem and educate on how their behaviour may be abusive“
Our Team
We have 26 volunteers from varying backgrounds all passionate to make an impact and help women and children within Merseyside. We have a double amputee on the team, an autistic member of staff and staff who have struggled with mental health. We are proud to have a multidivergent staff team.

Our Volunteers
Our space
The Community Hub
We will offer a spacious building equipped, wide doorways with disabled access and a disable accessible toilet, separate doorways for referrals and community drop-in’s, Perspex windows, panic buttons, six rooms, toys, books, specialised hair care for BAME women and children, food and drinks all in-keeping with different cultural backgrounds and religious beliefs.
We will have open planned lounge area with all the relevant safety procedures in place such as health and safety training provided. We offer an array of services such as making phone calls on behalf of women unable to make the calls themselves to services such as the police and social services amongst others.